Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hello again!

I haven't written in this blog for awhile, but I'm back ... I had my second child, Sofia, 6 weeks ago and now I'm back at work, and back up on my weight.. Ughh gosh. I feel extremely fat.. weighing in at 266 today at the doctor's office. Oh. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I am officially a type 2 diabetic.

My plan is to lose weight and fast. I am trying to change my diet to not eat out too much, and to EXERCISE!! That is my biggest problem; trying to find time to exericse, or using my free time wisely to do it.

From now on, I have got to do exercise if I plan to get rid of this diabetes. I am too young to have this and to be this heavy.

I will post more later.
