Friday, September 3, 2010

Not Bad

I lied about lunch. I got a craving for Panera, and so I went there and got the You-Pick-2, Frontega Chicken Panini and Broccoli Cheddar Soup. This is starting to become "the usual" for me. I was super satisfied and full afterwards, so I didn't eat anything until last night around 9:00 pm. I had beans, rice, avocado, crema, and some cuajada cheese. I got full quick from that too.

I also had a rootbeer, which was 160 calories.

I must not have done too bad, because I weighed 247.4 lbs when I got up today. At least the scale has moved.

I've eaten a 140 calorie bagel with a little bit of cream cheese and diet Cranberry Juice for breakfast.

I'm contemplating Panera again for lunch, but we'll see what the boss (mom) says. Haha

1 comment:

Heather Hawkinson said...

Awesome! Congrats! I LOVE PANERAS! Gonna go there today!

Keep going strong!