Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Evening update

Tonight I took a nice long nap after work and then we ordered Olympians for dinner. I ate about 1/3 of a Chicken Souvlaki pita with about 20 fries or so, 1/2 slice of pepperoni + sausage pizza, and maybe 1 chicken finger (I took a bunch of bites from Charlie's food). Unfortunately I don't know how many calories I ate, but I don't think it was that bad because I was kind of sampling the food not eating all of everything. I'm assuming I used up all the calories I had left and maybe a few extra. I walked around the block with my brother and afterwards I used the treadmill for 30 minutes. I burned about 200 calories between the 2 exercises. I'm all ready for bed now and excited for tomorrow's food adventures! Haha. Good night all!


Heather Hawkinson said...

I love Olympians! Their chicken souvlaki pita is out of this world, and I also like the grilled chicken ceasar salad. The best I think I've ever eaten!

Christina said...

I know! James is obsessed with Olympians. For some reason though it always seems to give me acid reflux.. Yuck!! Lol