Friday, August 20, 2010

Lunchtime Inspiration

I just finished an absolutely fantabulous Fuji Apple Chicken Salad from Panera.. plus a French Baguette. Yummmmm.. The 700 total calories was definitely worth it. I'm stuffed also, which is a good thing, because I probably won't think about food for awhile. Oh, and let me tell you about my morning snack.. I ate a heaping tablespoon of Peanut Butter. That was satisfying enough for me, plus packed with protein.

I want to share a very useful and motivating blog with the blogging world: Skinny Emmie . It's a blog about a woman in her 20's who was classified as morbidly obese and now has changed her life and is trying to lose weight. She has already lost over 60 lbs I think, and she is doing a great job. She isn't perfect. Just like me. She might make mistakes and go off the wagon at times, but she is succeeding and making progress. It's such an inspiring blog. I love it!

No lunchtime walk today since I went out to eat! Oh well! That means some intenseness later!

1 comment:

Heather Hawkinson said...

I LOVE the Fuji Apple salad at Paneras! And you're right -- it is so satisfying and will keep you full for quite a while. I checked out the SkinnyEmmie. I like it as well. Great writer, very positive. Looked at her pictures. She has guts, man. Really admire her.