Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Dreaded "Before" Pics

Tonight, Lisha and I did something daring..we took pictures of ourselves in spandex..and we are posting them on our blogs! Hark! They are a little embarassing (at least mine are), but hey, this is who I am (and what I hope to not look like soon)!

Here is the lineup:
Wow..I'd be afraid of me in the night, too.
I didn't realize how stout I am.
Gosh, that has got to shrink!

Not as bad from the back as I
had imagined, but still pretty bad.
I actually don't think from the side
I am sticking out too far..
Maybe from not drinking but one soda today

These pictures are totally a wake up call. OMG! It's almost 1:00 am!! I better get to bed before my other wake up call!! Yikes!! :o)

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